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Patchlada Suwannual
Phramaha Krisada Kittisobhano (Saelee)
Phrakhrusamu Ditthaphum Inthachat


          This article discusses the benefit of Human resource development brings benefits The agency or organization has progressed according to the goals set. There are 7 steps of human resource management process as follows: 1) Work analysis and design, the work allocation process in order to acquire quality employees that meet the organizational objectives 2) Human resource planning. Management processes to provide jobs that are appropriate enough to meet the needs of both current and future organizations; 3) recruiting and selection; Processes to provide organizations with potential employees to meet their needs; 4) Training and development processes that enable stable growth. and sustainable development 5) Performance management Processes that will ensure that it works and performance. 6) Compensation management. A process that encourages employees to work at their best. Compensation such as salary, welfare, or other benefits will help with gifts and encouragement. and 7) increase the relationship between employees and the organization This may happen between the management and the operator, including the operators themselves. Buddhist principles, which are integrated into human resource management, have adopted the ten principles of charity which are very important to human development today. Because it is a principle that enables human beings to live happily in society and peace was born together Reduce social problems and of a nation with only constant conflicts for the reason that the ten principles of charity cover three aspects of human development: physical, verbal, and psychological.

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How to Cite
Suwannual, P., Kittisobhano (Saelee), P. K., & Inthachat, P. D. (2021). BUDDHIST HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 142–156. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/251638
Academic Article


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