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PhrathepKhunaporn (Sophon Sophanachitto Phumphuang) .


          Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn is Wat Phra Aram Luang, third floor, Varaviharn type, located at 90 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Wachira Phayaban Sub-district, Dusit District, Bangkok The entire territory of Wat Devarajkunchorn is as follows: On the north side next to Sri Ayutthaya Road When bowing down the Chao Phraya River and Tha Wa Su Kri District On the south side next to the mouth of Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem And the Devaraj Market of the Crown Property On the east side next to Sri Ayutthaya Road And the Devaraj Market of the Crown Property On the west side, it is adjacent to the Chao Phraya River and the Aphaitan District, Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn Temple. With a total area of ​​1 rai 1 ngan 94 square wah with a title letter Is the title deed number 8902, Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn.During the reign of King Mongkut, King Rama IV established a royal temple. And bestowed the name “Wat Devarajkunchorn” means “Phra Indra Elephant”. Currently, the Fine Arts Department is registered as Important archaeological site Wat Devarajkunchorn Varaviharn., which is located on the bank of the Chao Phraya River. It is a beautiful architectural temple that has been preserved by the Fine Arts Department, registered as an important archaeological site. Which has many beautiful and valuable architecture. Religious treasures are divided into 2 types as follows: 1) the central treasures, including the property of the Department of Religious Affairs, 2) the treasures of the temple, including the property of a temple The Buddhist scriptures cover 5 aspects: 1) the self-development of the abbot 2) the management of the sentiment in the temple 3) the administration and care of the monks in the temple 4) the assistance of the monks 5) the welfare of the laymen.

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How to Cite
., P. (Sophon S. P. (2021). RELIGIONS WITHIN WAT DEVARAJKUNCHORN VARAVIHARN. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 131–141. retrieved from
Academic Article


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