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Methawee Chamnian
Korrakot Chamnian
Mathee Kaewsanit


          This academic article is to teaching and learning in Thai educational institutions; especially, in primary and secondary levels, it is an important foundation for learners to love education in both formal education and general learning. The authors present an aspect of the local curriculum that focus on teaching local stories. Especially, art, culture and local wisdom dimension, if there is not inheritance from teachers or local philosophers to youth, these local stories may lose. Therefore, local curriculum in terms of communication is a message and channel for transferring art, culture and wisdom of each locality which should be promoted by both educational institutions, communities and related sectors. To develop local curriculum, they should explore community context and local identity for community communication through community participation process, to develop curriculum process that emphasizes on community involvement in every step from planning to evaluation and the use of communication as pointing out the importance and promote the learning of the community. For guidelines to develop and communicate an effective local curriculum for studying in the community, it should be developed through the participation of all stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders of the community. In addition, educational institutions in the community should organize activities to communicate arts, culture and local wisdom in accordance with the local curriculum to inspire and create the space for youth and people in the community to transfer art, culture and local wisdom both inside and outside the community.

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How to Cite
Chamnian, M., Chamnian, K., & Kaewsanit, M. (2021). LOCAL CURRICULUM IN TERMS OF COMMUNICATION: TOOLS FOR TRANSFERRING ART, CULTURE AND WISDOM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 48–58. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/251623
Academic Article


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