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Sireetorn Khaomodjod
Korbkul Jantarakolica
Thanomsak Suwannoi
Tatre Jantarakolica
Woraphon Wattanatorn


          The objectives of this research article were to study the factors influencing consumer's decision - making process and analysis of criteria hierarchical decision - making in restaurant selection in Bangkok. Qualitative research methods were used analyze the data, including purpose sampling was used to collect data by interviewing in - depth interview. The main 36 informants were consumers who go to restaurant. The sample consisted 3 groups: Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z. Each generation has unique, behaviors, concepts, and experiences of decision - making. The findings revealed that the criteria decision - making 3 factors by Step 1) people who go along with restaurants, Step 2) location, Step 3) types of restaurants. Consumer's decision - making process in restaurant selection in Bangkok is consistent with the conceptual framework of Elimination by Aspects (EBA). The first step begins with the consideration of who are you going with, which is one of the important factors that influence the decision to go to a restaurant. It was found that Generation Y and Generation Z informants rely on themselves in making the decisions. However, for Generation X, their decisions are based on their children. The next step will be the considerations of restaurant location, which are the convenience of transportation, parking lots, and proximity to the sky train, and can be categorized as inside and outside the department stores, and the last step that affects restaurant selection is the types of restaurants where people often choose the restaurant from personal experience, along with the price. The factors mentioned above are important which impacts on decision - making process in restaurant selection

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How to Cite
Khaomodjod, S. ., Jantarakolica, K. ., Suwannoi, T. ., Jantarakolica , T. ., & Wattanatorn, W. . (2021). CONSUMER’S DECISION - MAKING PROCESS IN RESTAURANT SELECTION IN BANGKOK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(3), 408–422. retrieved from
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