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Amornrat Santueankaew
Sathiraporn Chaowachai


          The objectives of this research article were to study of Computer Science learning management plan under Secondary Education Service Area Office 37. The sample were administrators and coding teachers in the Secondary Education Service Area Office 37. All samples were selected by purposive sampling. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The data were statistically analyzed by the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation. The results revealed that Computer Science learning management plan under Secondary Education Service Area Office 37 as a whole were at high level. Ranged from high to low were management the curriculum, teacher development, evaluate and measure of Computer Science and Computer Science learning management plan. Suggestions for Computer Science learning management plan under Secondary Education Service Area Office 37 on management the curriculum, Educational Service Area Office 37 should provide supervisors to continuously monitor the management of Computer Science learning. To support teachers in teaching effectively, which is the most important factor to improve students’ learning achievement and living quality, teachers should encourage learners to share their knowledge and learn together where the exchange is necessary. It will lead to the expansion of knowledge and applicable to the daily life. In term of evaluation and measurement, Computer Science teachers should be encouraged to develop a learning management plan using techniques and methods suitable for learners in the context of the educational institution. Promoting research in the classroom to improve teaching and learning. In term of teacher development, teachers should be encouraged to develop innovations in computational science learning management in various forms.

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How to Cite
Santueankaew, A., & Chaowachai, S. (2021). COMPUTING SCIENCE LEARNING MANAGEMENT PLAN UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE 37. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(3), 275–287. retrieved from
Research Articles


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