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Samruay Chawdorn
Sukrit Mayusiri


          The context of the global society has changed. Social mobility has grown exponentially. The world society is open. Comparison of quality of life in society were mentioned, compared obvious in every aspect. Education is also being discussed. People can access information without limits. Learning does not happen only in the classroom but also can happen on smartphones etc. Skills can be developed and learned quickly. The society plans to succeed in the short term, causing the Thai society or the world to change rapidly. The technology industry is changing fast, people's lives also changed. But the context of educational administration in Thai society remains the same. Teach a large number of subjects, hourly teaching the same and the measurement and evaluation remain the same. Thirty years have passed, it would still be the same. The young generation has been developed for the former. This was therefore a transition for education administrators to the changing social context. Education is no longer a step. Anything to learn can be learned, no need specification to pass a class before to be able to learn. When the situation is like this, Executives in the new generation of the 21st century might have to change ideas and methods with fully understandable to the target group, which is a new generation. Meanwhile, the educational management or academic service was not neglected another group, which is an elderly group. To maintain the pluralist society between Those who understand the technology well and ready to be driven and another group is a group of people who are going to learn technology (The elderly) can sustain their careers and existence in the society of the 21st century together in equality and efficiency.

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How to Cite
Chawdorn, S., & Mayusiri, S. (2021). STRATEGIES FOR EFFICIENCY OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 453–463. retrieved from
Academic Article


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