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Adithep Khrutthamat
Pattarapol Chummee
Charcrit Sritong


          This article presents the concept of innovative capability for digital startups industry, in software - making businesses type, which are small businesses, starting to grow and use innovations for producing goods or services, and will be grow rapidly as well as easily repeatable design and easy to business expansion. Innovation is a key factor to build a business, because seeing a marketing opportunity that has not been met. To create model of antacedent and consequence factors of innovative competence. The form was studied by literature review from various sources such as books, research, academic and research articles, and presenting by analytical report. The results found the model including 2 antacedent factors; 1) entrepreneurial orientation consisting 1.1) proactiveness, 1.2) risk taking, 1.3) autonomy, and 1.4) competitive aggressiveness, and 2) market orientation consisting 2.1) customer orientation, 2.2) competition orientation, and 2.3) interfunctional coordination. The consequence factor was digital startup performance including; 1) customer, 2) product, 3) financial, and 4) organizational management. To be useful for applying in the innovative capability operations of organizations in the digital startup industry, and empirical studies in the future by increasing startup's performance via entrepreneurial orientation and innovative capabilities.

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How to Cite
Khrutthamat, A., Chummee, P., & Sritong, C. (2021). INNOVATIVE CAPABILITY FOR THE DIGITAL STARTUP INDUSTRY IN THAILAND: CAUSE AND EFFECT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 395–410. retrieved from
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