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Patchlada Suwannual
Phrapalad Raphin Phutthisaro


          Human society is a society that is grouped together. These groups are communities of different sizes, from villages, sub - districts, towns and countries, so there must be a social organization To be able to carry out activities in order to survive, peace and make progress in those communities Is the cause Community is a relatively informal social unit that is almost the smallest of the social system, such as a village, a sub - district, or a sub - district administrative organization. When the community is already a small institution Therefore, the duties of the community come out in a primary manner These functions are similar to the functions of the family institution and may be somewhat different. For example, family institutions are responsible for nurturing members and communities. If a society is deprived of a community, it is like a society that lacks a mechanism for performing basic social functions, such as the socialization process of the community.

          Buddhism has always been one of the most important institutions in providing assistance to Thai society. And characteristics of Thai people, as well as providing services according to the needs of the people It has also contributed to most of our social problems, even today that importance remains. Therefore, in order to give people a good understanding of how to live together By introducing the principles of Buddhism, namely Sangkhahawatthu, 4, Than Piyawaja, Atthaya, and Samanatta as the basis for application of community management. To make the community management to be driven effectively into a livable community.

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How to Cite
Suwannual, P., & Phutthisaro, P. R. (2021). COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO SANGKHAHAWATTHU 4 PRINCIPLES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 325–336. retrieved from
Academic Article


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