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Watcharapohn Naowanont
Kitipong Luenam


          The objectives of this article were to 1) develop the lesson plan which focused on assessment for learning Mathematics related to addition and subtraction which results and dividends not exceeding to 100 for Pratomsuksa 1 students. 2) study the outcome of learning Mathematics related to addition and subtraction which results and dividends not exceeding to 100 for Pratomsuksa 1 students. The sample group was Pratomsuksa 1/2 students amount 33 people who learned in Niyommitwitthayakan School, academic year 2/2019. The sample group were found by using Cluster random sampling. The research instruments were 5 lesson plans related to addition and subtraction which results and dividends not exceeding to 100, the assessment for learning and 6 tests. The quantitative data was analyzed by using percentage, mean, Standard deviation and t - test for one group pretest - posttest design. The results of the getting the lesson plans that focused on assessment for learning Mathematics related to addition and subtraction which results and dividends not exceeding to 100 for Pratomsuksa 1 students amount 5 lesson plans. The assessing processes for learning were 4 steps and reflection. and lesson plans that focused on assessment for learning Mathematics, The results of the qualitative data quality examination from the experts found that the average level is 4.48, which is in a very good level. The results of comparing achievement the average score of pretest and posttest of Pratomsuksa 1 students who used the assessment for learning found that Average score of posttest was higher than pretest significantly level at .05. The results of desirable characteristics were 89.90.

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How to Cite
Naowanont, W., & Luenam, K. (2021). LEARNING MANAGEMENT RESULTS THAT FOCUS ON ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING MATHEMATICS FOR LEARNING FOR PRATOMSUKSA 1 STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 75–88. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/250487
Research Articles


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