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Suchin Prasanphan
Pennapa Sukserm


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the academic leadership of school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 2) To compare the academic leadership of the school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, classify school sizes and working experience. 3) Study the suggestion for academic leadership of school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1.The sample group that responded to the questionnaire in the research was teacher civil servants under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, academic year 2019. 322 people which is obtained by multi - stage randomization In the feedback data collection section the researcher collected the data by interviewing teacher officials and supervisors. Under the Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 1, amount 10 people The tools used to collect data were questionnaires with a 5 - level approximation scale with a .993 confidence value and a structured interview. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The level of opinions on academic leadership of the school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was at a high level 2. The results of comparing opinions on academic leadership of school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, classified by school size, found that there were statistically significant differences of opinions at the. 05 In the classification based on operational experience, the difference was statistically significant at the .05 level. 3. Suggestions to develop academic leadership of school administrators under Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, namely, the stakeholders should participate in the formulation of working guidelines, have clear academic goals for the school.

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How to Cite
Prasanphan, S., & Sukserm, P. (2021). ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS PRIMARY EDUCATION CHAIYAPHUM DISTRICT 1. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(2), 15–28. retrieved from
Research Articles


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