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Pakit Santiniyom


Water is an important and essential resource for sustaining agricultural and industrial life. Thailand manages water according to the water resource management strategy. To maximize the use of water And to resolve flood and drought problems Such water management will be efficient and effective. Need for an integrated water management And apply the 6 principles of good governance in management To achieve water balance And beneficial to the public And able to sustainably solve flood and drought problems in society Although "water" is a natural resource that cannot be used up If appropriate water management should be performed So that communities can use good quality water There is sufficient supply to meet the needs of the community and activities. Which at present has developed a water management system to be more cost effective by organizing irrigation systems Causing more farmland or agricultural areas that do not rely on rainwater At the same time, in many communities It can be obtained from surface water sources such as creek, swamp, canal, lake or reservoir. Therefore, water management is a matter of concern to many parties to meet the increasing demand. In the past decade, especially, it has pointed out that water is a resource that must be managed effectively. To be able to adequately meet the needs of all groups of water users and important issues to consider in current water management. What is to do to achieve effective, sustainable and fair use? This academic paper presents the guidelines for water management according to good governance principles for maximum efficiency in operation.

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How to Cite
Santiniyom, P. (2021). WATER MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO GOOD GOVERNANCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(1), 20–32. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/249610
Academic Article


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