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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) to develop and find quality of interactive immersive graphic video combined with fieldwork media for educational public relations, 2) to study knowledge and understanding in the Bachelor of Arts Program in Sports Communication of media viewers, and 3) to study the opinions of media viewers. The data were selected from the sample groups are 5 experts and empirical experiment and the survey of 40 samples who are students from school by purposive sampling. The tools that are used in research, including 1) the basic qualifications measurement form for communication arts 2) the interactive immersive graphic video combined with fieldwork media for educational public relations, 3) the quality evaluation form for media content information and media technical presentation, 4) the test form of knowledge and understanding, and 5) the questionnaire form about satisfaction. The statistics, which are used analytic, include frequency, average, standard deviation, and paired - sample t - test. The research results were 1) interactive immersive graphic video combined with fieldwork media for educational public relations is of the quality is at the highest level (Average = 4.209, S.D. = 0.62), the quality of content creation of media is at the highly level (Average = 4.066, S.D. = 0.47), and the quality of presentation techniques of media is at the highest level (Average = 4.307, S.D. = 0.69), 2) students had more knowledge and understanding after watched the media than before watched the media (t - test = - 21.02), and 3) students had an overall view of their satisfaction on the interactive immersive graphic video combined with fieldwork media for educational public relations at the highest level (Average = 4.381, S.D. = 0.45).
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