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Kanha Pharitpongsakorn
Kanokwan Khoku
Thiphawan Samphearod
Panida Thothang


          Major city in every country have own convention center for meetings. “MICE” (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) is a type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together. The expenditure of MICE travelers is much higher than leisure travelers. MICE events are usually centered on a theme or topic and are aimed at a professional, school, academic or trade organization or other special interest group. MICE is one of the highest growing industries in Thailand and it also plays an important part in the overall value of the tourism business in the country. Consumers can directly participate in product presentations and business displays as part of the direct consumer - facing marketing methods in company exhibits, fairs, displays. This is viewed as the most effective marketing communication tool between manufacturers and suppliers. MICE represents the business developed from the tourism industry where conferences and trade shows are organized as a part of the services offered. The MICE City development approach will use the industrial environment analysis technique (SWOT) specifying the strengths and weaknesses of the mass transit system, man - made tourist attractions and the readiness of the responsible personnel and the people in the area. This will also be used to analyze the opportunities and obstacles in terms of location, economy, local natural tourism, arts, culture and history. This will eventually help the province aiming for a MICE City to have a clear understanding of the important elements involved in this venture as well as Thai entrepreneurs in the MICE Industry studied the growth trends of the business tourism market to expand their business. By finding channels to be a part of the supply chain of the business of meeting management as well as the creation of trade and investment opportunities in the MICE Industry in the long term.

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How to Cite
Pharitpongsakorn, K., Khoku, K., Samphearod, T., & Thothang, P. (2020). GUIDELINES FOR MICE CITY DEVELOPMENT WITH SWOT ANALYSIS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 406–420. retrieved from
Academic Article


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