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Phrapalad Pichit Yoma
Phrakhrusunthornpojanabandid .
Phrasmu Chawalit Suwannachan
Phrakhrupalad Kamron Kaewkliang
Phrakhrunekkhammadhamathan .


The objective of this research paper is 1) to study the expectations of the monks 2) to compare the expectations of the monks 3) to find recommendations on solving problems and obstacles arising to the management of the Sangha education. Ban Ta Khun District Suratthani Province It is a quantitative research. There are 4 areas of learning management content: 1) learner quality                                2) management 3) learner - centered instructional management 4) supporting factors The key information contributors were 37 monks in Ban Ta Khun district. The tool used was questionnaires. The questionnaire's confidence was 0.94.              The data was analyzed using basic statistics, ie mean, standard deviation. And the one - way variance The results of the research revealed that 1) the monks had high expectations for the educational management of the Sangha. Overall, they were at a high level in all aspects, including the quality of the learners. In the management of teaching and learning with a focus on students Management And supporting factors 2) the results of comparison of the expectations of the monks Classified by personal factors Not all differences were significantly different at a statistically significant level of 0.05 3) Recommendation The Sangha should cooperate with the public and private sectors to promote a campaign to promote the public interest in matriculation. And provide training for the newly ordained Lord Buddha to have more knowledge The administrative priests should encourage personnel to attend undergraduate studies. To know the principles of management Instructional curriculum focuses too much on textbooks.                          The Sangha should organize training to increase the potential of the teachers. Insufficient budget, increasing personnel, modern teaching equipment                          The Sangha should cooperate with the public and private sectors to find a budget.

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How to Cite
Yoma, P. P. ., ., P., Suwannachan, P. C., Kaewkliang, P. K., & ., P. (2020). THE EXPECTATIONS OF SANGHA FOR SANGHA EDUCATION MANAGEMENT BAN TA KHUN DISTRICT SURATTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 238–251. retrieved from
Research Articles


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