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Nawaphan Intawong
Chuenchanok Kovin


         The objectives of this research article were to studying the development of a learning process in promoting career education at the provincial level using a qualitative research method. The methodology consisted of a literature review and interviews with people involved in the learning process of career education in Chonburi and Trad provinces. The interviewees were representatives from the education, civil society, and local sectors. Data were analyzed using content analysis with analytical induction. The results showed that the patterns of the learning process in promoting career education at the provincial level of Chonburi and Trad were similar. To illustrate, they 1) collaborated manpower, which meant that stakeholders who were aware of the importance of career education worked collaboratively to analyze its present conditions, problems, and needs. Provincial education reform committees organized such collaboration, which later became associate networks, 2) they thought collaboratively, which referred to the collaboration among associate networks to brainstorm and set guidelines to promote the learning process in career education at the provincial level with substantial progress, 3) they worked collaboratively, which referred to stakeholders collaboratively promoting developmental mechanisms at the provincial level, information development, different integrated stages, career education, career curriculum and evaluation plans, and communication campaigns in the province, 4) they concluded the lessons collaboratively, which referred to the stakeholders collaboratively evaluated the operating results of the provincial promotion of the learning process in career education, and then analyzed such results for future improvements and development, and 5) they accepted consequences collaboratively, which referred to stakeholders accepting the results of their performance on career education promotion at the provincial level. For example, if there was a provincial career education plan, career education curriculum, or increased students in the career education program, such incidents would bring about praise and pride. At the same time, problems and obstacles were also accepted collaboratively for future improvements.

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How to Cite
Intawong, N. ., & Kovin, C. . (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF A LEARNING PROCESS IN PROMOTING CAREER EDUCATION AT THE PROVINCIAL LEVEL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(12), 197–209. retrieved from
Research Articles


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