Main Article Content
This research article aims to study general information. Study tourism behavior and compare factors influencing decision - making on weekends and consecutive holidays among working people. The sample used in this study was working - age people aged 20 - 60 years old, both male and female, with income and who had decided to travel during weekends and consecutive holidays, totaling 400. People using questionnaires as a tool to collect information. The data were analyzed for percentage, mean and standard deviation. One - way analysis of t - value and variance analysis was used to compare the difference between the variables. The research found that working - age people travel both on weekends and on consecutive holidays. The factors that influenced much of the tourism decision were product factor ( = 4.29), marketing promotion factor (
= 4.06) and price factor (
= 4.03). The decision to travel during the weekends and consecutive holidays was found that different age and marital status of working age affected the travel decision statistically at 0.05 level. of people of different working age when making travel decisions over the weekend and on consecutive holidays, it was found that motivation or attractiveness and cost planning behaviors affected different travel decisions. With statistical significance at the level of 0.05. Therefore, business organizations wishing to promote tourism must present both the identity of the tourist attraction. A variety of tourism styles Facilities in tourist attractions Accommodation and access to tourist attractions to attract more holidaymakers
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