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Phrakru Sitthithammaporn .
Phrarach Prichamunee .
Phuangphet Polwiset
Phittayapol Kongphong


          Buddhism is an important cultural foundation of Thai society and has long been a formulation of the principles and teachings of Buddhism to Thai society. At the world society and Thai society enter the 21st century society or the world without borders, the Thai society has to face more crises in many areas, such as economic problems. Social and environmental problem, etc. The study of the principles of Buddhism in the 21st century requires two parts to be improved: 1) Buddhist teaching skills for the development of humanity in behavior can be developed with precepts. The mind can be developed with concentration. To be easy to understand, easy to remember and able to be practical; and 2) the use of information technology in Buddhist studies Propagating the principles of Buddhism to suit the consumer groups. States and the Church need to work together to resolve problems and to support the introduction of the principles of Buddhism to spread to the public easily. It can be applied to life in conjunction with the building of quality of life. Buddhism has been in the world society for centuries. Through the time that has prospered until today because of the spread that can be applied to different societies. In the present era, when technology has advanced a lot Buddhism, if viewed on the surface, will contradict the trend of technology. Because it is a capitalist society that is mainly greedy But if you look at the other side, the technological boom is not a bad thing. At the user separately If the user has a stable mental immunity. Technology will become a tool for Buddhism to spread to people for a long time, which will benefit to solving various crises of society sustainably.

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How to Cite
., P. S., ., P. P., Polwiset, P., & Kongphong, P. (2020). THE STUDY BUDDHISM IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 440–451. retrieved from
Academic Article


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