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Ruja Kaeomaungfang
Boonta Sukhawade
Manatchanok Kulaphanich
Phimlada Anansirikasem
Supaporn Prarom


          Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid - 19) is a dangerous pandemic disease and important new disease occurrence which has widely and rapidly spread to many countries around the world. There are numerous people infected and dying. In addition, the World Health Organization has announced that Covid is a pandemic. Coronavirus disease is caused by the SARS - Cov - 2. There was a report for the first time of an infected patient at Wuhan city, the republic of China. There are differences in terms of symptoms. Some patients don’t show any symptoms as opposed to some show the severe symptoms. The cases of patients who get severely infected might have pneumonia. The widespread of coronavirus can pass through the inhalation of the virus contaminated dusts from the infected people who sneeze and cough or through the touch of the surfaces and infected things from the infected people to another as well. If an infection occurs, it can result in respiratory systems from asymptomatic, mild symptoms, severe symptoms to respiratory failure eventually death. The groups of pregnant women, mothers and infants are also at the high risks. The midwives have played the important roles in caring the health of pregnant women. Therefore, the midwives should have knowledge, understanding about the Covid - 19 diseases. Signs and symptoms assessments, the effects of pregnancy and childbirth, and cares including the roles of nursing mother infants with Covid - 19 during pregnant, delivering, and post - partum periods lead to the quality of the protection of the virus covid - 19 epidemic. Moreover, the care of mother infants infected with Covid - 19 suitably and correctly causes the safety for both mothers and infants.

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How to Cite
Kaeomaungfang, R., Sukhawade, B., Kulaphanich, M., Anansirikasem, P., & Prarom, S. (2020). NURSING CARE OF COVID - 19 INFECTION IN PREGNANCY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 370–383. retrieved from
Academic Article


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