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Winai Charoenchaloemsak


          The Objectives of this research article were to: 1) Study the problem of legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance with Correctional Law. 2) Study the facts and legal issues, structure and important principles of legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance with Correctional Law. 3) Study analyze and compare the structures and principles of legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance with Correctional Law. And 4) Recommend and design of legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance with Correctional Law. This research was a qualitative research use study of documents and in - depth interviews. The research results found that: legal measures include the constitution of foreign countries and Thailand, legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance, and international rules. The problem with the facts is excessive use of prison/parenting budgets and rehabilitation of convict is overly common, repeated offenses lack guidelines for developing the theory of punishment, and hiring convict labor. And the problem of legal measures is principles of the international rules concerning the use of legal measures on the use of convict labor in accordance, and important principles of constitutional law. The comparing the structure and principles it concludes that: 1) international rules require the use of convict labor, 2) legal measures on the use of convict labor, and 3) foreign constitution and the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand do not protect prisoners on the nature of recruiting or forced labor. And guide lines for solving legal measures such as: Correctional Act B.E. 2560 , Section 50 in accordance with the wages of prisoners by defining the use of convict labour had to be paid, and amend the rules on the cost of detention by requiring prisoners to agree to deduct the cost of detention from their wages.

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How to Cite
Charoenchaloemsak, W. (2020). LEGAL MEASURES ON THE USE OF CONVICT LABOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH CORRECTIONAL LAW. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 281–297. retrieved from
Research Articles


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