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Umaporn Bophimai
Nikom Lonkunthos
Asada Wannakayont
Teangtum Sittichantasen


          The objectives of this article were: to develop a smart technology system for organic farming; to find out the efficiency a smart technology system for organic farming and evaluate a quality of the smart technology system developed by the researcher;The concept of technological process has been applied to develop a smart farming technology system together with the IOT (Internet of Things) technology. Further, using a ready - made application for IOT called the Blynk Application via a smartphone is also applied to work with microcontroller board Node MCU ESP8266, Temperature sensor device DHT21 , capacitive soil moisture senser while solar energy is used as a power supply. Then, the organic smart farming technology system developed by the researcher was taken to try - out to find its efficiency in controlling the operation of sensor devices and evaluated its quality by experts design equipment materials and use. Finally, the results were statistically analyzed for percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study found that: 1) The smart organic farming technology system developed by the researcher consists of: 1.1) the curved - roof greenhouse (6 x 6 m2 ) 3 meters high, surrounded by white insect repellent net, the roof is covered with clear plastic; 1.2) the temperature controlling system in the greenhouse and the soil moisture controlling system; 1.3) the application for sensor controlling through a smartphone; 1.4) the motion picture system through wireless CCTV; and 1.5) the solar energy production system. 2) According to the overall performance of the system, the operation of sensor could be able to control accounted for 100%. In addition, the overall quality of smart organic farming technology system is at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.79, S.D. = 0.42)

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How to Cite
Bophimai, U., Lonkunthos, N., Wannakayont, A., & Sittichantasen, T. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(11), 63–78. retrieved from
Research Articles


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