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Sawanya Jindawong


          The Objectives of this research article were: 1) to study effective income tax changes, overall performance of tax auditors, 2) to study effective tax changes, performance of tax auditors. Operational processes 3) To study effective tax changes, the performance of the tax auditor. The timeliness of the results    4) to study effective tax changes, the performance of the tax auditor. Achieving goals Krejcie and Morgan's open - table data were collected using a primary sampling method from a sample of 400 tax auditors using questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics with frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation (SD). Inferential statistics were used to Test the relationship between independent variables By using multiple regression analysis, tolerance and VIF (variance inflation factors) test, and hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis at a statistical significance level 0.05. The results of the study found that: the changes in income tax were all aspects, namely expenses. And income tax rates Have a positive relationship and impact on the performance of the tax auditors in all areas, including operational processes. The timeliness of results And achieving goals Statistically significant at 0.05.

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How to Cite
Jindawong, S. (2020). CHANGES IN INCOME TEX ON PERFORMANCE OF THE TAX AUDITOR. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 276–288. retrieved from
Research Articles


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