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Piboon Sukajatanee
Yuttana Praneet
Surapon Suyaprom


          The Objectives of this research article were to 1) To study the problems of local political participation. 2) To study the factors influencing the people's political trust on the local politicians. and 3) the development of people's political trust on local politicians in Nonthaburi Province. Methodology was the mixed method; The qualitative research, data were collected from 18 key informants, with in - depth - interview. Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research, data were collected from 400 samples, derived from people who were in Nonthaburi Province. with questionnaires and the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean and standard deviation. Findings were as follows: 1) Problems of political participation of people were that politicians did not get the message. Policies may and may not be applicable. People got to know the politicians’ behaviors and action from various news and criticism from media. Politicians’ some policies could and could not be implemented resulting the people’s political participation and trust. 2) Factors influencing the people's political trust on Local politicians in Nonthaburi Province, by overall were at high level. The means considered in order from high to low were as: political behavior, Policy, Local administration (LAO) and political communication respectively.  3) The development of people's political trust on local politicians in Nonthaburi Province, according to Aparihaniyadhamma Principle to build political trust among the people in Nonthaburi could be explained as follows: the Politicians must have unity in working with various organizations in the area; be responsible for duties; comply with the rules and regulations of public leadership; respect the elderly local politicians; must not abuse one’s authority; preserve locality; support, promote and act as a good person to be a role model for society.

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How to Cite
Sukajatanee, P., Praneet, Y., & Suyaprom, S. (2020). THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE’S POLITICAL TRUST TOWARDS LOCAL POLITICIANS IN NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 234–247. retrieved from
Research Articles


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