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Khanchit Chuarkham
Kanphitcha Dunyala
Maliwan Gapkird
Ammarn Sodawan
Somchai Prabrat


                Lipe island locating in Satun province, is one of the travel destinations among foreign travelers because of its unique nature. There are many travel forms, and backpacking travel is found to be one of the most popular travel forms nowadays. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors related to the decision - making of international backpackers for a visit to Lipe island, Satun. The study is a quantitative research, collecting 386 international backpackers in total as data input. Specifically, it deploys a questionnaire as a research tool. As of this study’s findings, various characteristics, especially gender, age, marital status, income, and occupation of international backpackers, were detected to be relative factors on the decision - making for a visit to Lipe island, Satun, at the significance level of 0.05. On the other hand, different continents and educational levels among international backpackers are not correlated with their decision - making for the same visit. Besides, tourism activities relative to international backpackers, including relaxation, fishing, diving, sunbathing, and cultural learning, were all found to be significantly related to the decision - making for a visit to Lipe island, Satun, at the significance level of 0.05. While other types of activities, such as camping, juggle trekking, honeymoon, and kayaking, were found no relation to the decision - making for the visit. In addition to these findings, tourism behaviors among international backpackers, consisting of travel companion, travel information channels, and accommodations, were found related to the decision - making for the visit at the significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Chuarkham, K., Dunyala, K., Gapkird, M., Sodawan, A., & Prabrat, S. (2020). ANALYZING FACTORS RELATING INTERNATIONAL BACKPACKERS’ DECISION TO VISIT LIPE ISLAND IN SATUN. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 220–233. retrieved from
Research Articles


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