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Chutinan Ajariyasirikul
Sakrapong Skunmethakarn
Khittikhorn Petchnumdaeng
Punyada Chonglaiad
Phra Suriya Kongkawai


          The objectives of this research article were to Study the problems and solutions of problems related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of consumers agricultural products. Using qualitative research methods by studying information from documents and collecting various information from legal study documents, books, texts, research reports articles from journals, government publications, dissertations, information documents from public and non-governmental organizations. The documents from a legal opinion on the protection of the rights and liberties consumers of Agricultural products with the objective of obtaining the law and take the obtained data to prioritize and analyze the content and rank the data along with presenting descriptive information. The study found that the Legal problems are 1) Legal issues regarding lack of regulations to protect the rights and freedoms of consumers damaged by substandard agricultural products; 2) Legal problems related to Perform duties and appropriateness and expertise of the Agricultural Consumer Protection Board. 3) legal issues relating to the mediation process for consumer grievances of agricultural products. Therefore, the solutions mentioned above Agree to add the definition of the term “Agricultural consumers” and has set guidelines to protect the rights and liberties of consumers who have been damaged by substandard agricultural products.  Of the Consumer Protection Act 2522 by revising the organizational structure responsible for setting agricultural standards by establishing a central agency and it is the opinion that the amendment should be made to the 2008 Consumer Procedure Act, requiring a mediator of private consumers of agricultural products and community disputes mediators. Including clear and concrete ways to mediate disputes by the mediator of agricultural consumer cases

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How to Cite
Ajariyasirikul, C., Skunmethakarn, S., Petchnumdaeng, K., Chonglaiad, P., & Kongkawai, P. S. (2020). LEGAL PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS CONSUMERS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 167–181. retrieved from
Research Articles


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