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Pongmanut Deeod
Nuttapol Lertsirisakulchai


          This research article is a study of the decentralized form of governance by the rule of the Republic of Indonesia. It is seen that decentralization is considered to be a form of dominance with a mission to transfer the power to make decisions from central government to organizations to self - management. In addition, the decentralization of the rule of the Republic of Indonesia has a pronounced pattern. In other words, there is a provincial management caused by the needs of the people. Taxation can be effectively administered under its own province. On the other hand, Thailand is considered to have a decentralized administration as well, but there are differences with the Republic of Indonesia. In other words, the Republic of Indonesia. There is an evolution in the field of decentralization claims in each of the different colonial era. Indonesia's post - independence era and the reform era or the modern era of Indonesia. Inconstant, Thailand was only formed by the 1997 constitution that originated decentralization. If the information is compared to Thailand, it is found that the same thing is the intervention of the military government. At the end of the era, Suharto's military generals never returned to a military - backed government, and it was difficult to return to a country that was a form of centralization, but it was Thailand where the government had been switching to both civilians and soldiers until now. In the present, the Republic of Indonesia is a country that outstanding for its decentralization of local administration, and for Thailand, it is considered to be justice.

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Deeod, P., & Lertsirisakulchai, N. (2020). THE IDEAS OF DECENTRALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA TOWARDS THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 44–56. retrieved from
Academic Article


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