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Duangruetai Seamkhumhom
Preyasalil Chaiyawut
Sudarat Wanngamwiset
Thamakorn Thienphuridej


          The Objectives of this research article were to enhance knowledge and understanding of parents, guardians, teachers, child caregivers, and health personnel about executive functions (EF) in order to organize EF promoting activities for preschoolers. Executive functions (EF) are high - level cognitive functions that regulate emotional and cognitive control and actions, leading to goal – directed behavior. Preschool years (those aged 2 - 6 years old) are an important age in laying the foundation for learning in life and when children have physical, mental, emotional, social and intellectual development. Especially, they quickly develop their front brain with functions to set goals, make plans, sequence tasks, initiate creativity, control emotion and behavior. Children in this age have the highest development rate of executive functions. There are five main skills in executive functions of preschoolers, namely: Inhibitory control, Shift/ Cognitive flexibility, Emotional control, working memory, and Planning/Organizing. Therefore, promoting executive functions since childhood plays an important role in achieving success in school, work, health, and living with others. Preschoolers with lower EF possibly have lower academic readiness and encounter undesirable behavior problems in the future. Health care personnel and teachers should enhance caregivers’ knowledge and understanding of the executive functions of preschool- aged children and those related factors.  Teachers and caregivers should be enabling them to screen for child executive function.  Nurses play a key role in promoting and supporting children in physical, emotional, social and intellectual development, learning readiness and growing into quality adult citizens of the country by working with teachers/caregivers in children’s development facilities in order to promote children’s health and learning in addition to providing recommendations for parents in parenting and promoting children’s executive functions.

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How to Cite
Seamkhumhom, D., Chaiyawut, P., Wanngamwiset, S., & Thienphuridej, T. (2020). PROMOTING TO EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(10), 15–31. retrieved from
Academic Article


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