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Patchalai Anuchaivong
Pornsak Yatakoat
John Meksawang
Pattama Wichaiyo
Patcharee Chaichan


          The purposes of this research were to 1) Learn about general information regarding gender, education level of students who studied mathematics in high school Mueang Nakhon Phanom District Nakhon Phanom Province. The students were surveyed by frequency distribution and find the percentage 2) To study the satisfaction level of students in each area as a result of the teaching and learning of mathematics, teaching in secondary schools, Muang District, Nakhon Phanom Province 3) To be the guideline for regulation and improvement of the Bachelor of Science Program in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Nakhon Phanom University. In this research, the research team surveyed the students’ satisfaction in learning and teaching mathematics of High School. To survey the students' satisfaction with the teaching and learning of mathematics, the study used questionnaires as a survey tool with a total number of 400 students. The questionnaires consisted of five aspects including instructors, teaching and learning process, attitude towards mathematics, measurement and evaluation, studying location and audio-visual equipment. The tools used for data analysis consisted of Percentage Mean and Standard Deviation. The survey research found that overall students’ satisfaction is good with the average value of 4.32. Regarding the satisfaction in each aspects, the highest average value is at 4.52 which is the satisfaction towards the instructors. The second is the process of teaching and learning accounted for 4.40. The third is the average number of attitude towards mathematics at 4.22, following by the average value of measurement and evaluation and the average number of studying location and audio visual equipment made up 4.18 and 3.51 respectively.

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How to Cite
Anuchaivong, P., Yatakoat, P., Meksawang, J., Wichaiyo, P., & Chaichan, P. (2020). STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING MATHEMATICS OF HIGH SCHOOL IN MUANG DISTRICT, NAKHON PHANOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 394–408. retrieved from
Research Articles


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