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Ekarach Sutem
Yokkaew Kamolvoradej
Manee Sanghirun


          The objective of this research paper is to study the state, problems and guidelines for district service unit management. Under the Special Education Center Provincial By a qualitative research method Population and sample groups are divided into 2 groups as follows. Sample group 1) These include the management of district service units. Under the Special Education Center Provincial Teachers and staff and the parents of a total of 18 students Use the structured interview form. And content analysis Sample group 2) Including the group of special education centers In Nan Province, consisting of 7 people, using in-depth interview and content analysis the results of the research showed that. The operational conditions of the district service units were at a high level. And found the following problems Personnel lack experience Insufficient teaching and learning materials Personnel lacking accounting knowledge Lack of understanding in project writing the environment is not favorable for the provision of education for the disabled. Lack of understanding in work systems Lack of physical therapy personnel Inexperienced supervisor. Guidelines for managing district service units. Under the Special Education Center Nan Province as follows: Academic Services Group IEP plans should be developed with parents to understand needs and provide appropriate facilities. Personnel training Parents or carers for the disabled to create a special education body. Planning and Budget Management Group Clearly define roles and responsibilities Training for personnel development in work plans and budgets to create knowledge and lead to operational skills. And supervise, follow up, give advice General management group Coordinate with other government agencies, private sectors, communities to jointly develop the district service units. Make an operation manual Human Services Group Plan the power of teachers. Creating knowledge about administration. Organize training to develop personnel to have knowledge in special education. Supervision continuously.

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How to Cite
Sutem, E., Kamolvoradej, Y., & Sanghirun, M. (2020). GUIDELINES FOR THE MANAGING DISTRICT UNITS. A CACE OF NAN SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTER. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 138–152. retrieved from
Research Articles


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