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Worachet Tho-un
Perapong Saensing


          This article aim to reflect the process of communicating folk literature through literature, acting, and pramothai shadow show, that the local people have inherited and adjusted to suit the changing environment continuously, in accordance with the way of inheritance that relies on telling, remembering, and following, the teacher knows how to absorb and receive satisfaction. Folk play is therefore part of the life and mind of the folk way. socialization can take many forms. depending on the ideas, beliefs, religions, forms, tools and processes used, etc. The main performing arts of Isan that convey the true way of life of the Isan people, called "Mor Lam" is an important tool and process for socialization. The pramothai shadow show is a part of the local performing arts that entertain local people. The creation fulfills the auspicious work for the employer. And generating revenue for the movie cast itself by passing Buddhist literature and local literature perfectly. But in this current situation, The advancement in modern information technology and cultural assimilation in various forms such as European, Korean and Japanese cultures has influenced some ideas and actions on local literature that convey the performing arts through the shadows of the cinema. That's about to fade away. Next, there will be only something that will indicate the value and prosperity of literature and literature of ancestors in the name of "museums" for future generations to review.

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How to Cite
Tho-un, W., & Saensing, P. (2020). PRAMOTHAI SHADOW SHOW: COMMUNICATION OF LOCAL LITERATURE THROUGH SHADOW ART. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 71–84. retrieved from
Academic Article


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