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Amonrat Techanok
Rachanee Jaronggsirawat
Phra Honda Vatasatto


          Educational management in the 21st century requires the development of additional skills and the need for learning and innovation skills consisting of 3R4C 3 R: including Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, 4C: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity including life and career skills, skills in information, media and technology). New educational management includes the thought of the students' primary interest by managing teaching and learning in today's schools based on the potential to use technology that allow students to access information or devices such as computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc. With the method of shooting video clips of instruction and upload to the system, students are able to learn any time or any place with internet. As for the educational management in the 21st century, the new school administrators must be academic leaders and must have the following characteristics: 1) being creative, 2) communicator, 3) critical thinker, 4) community builder, 5) visionary, 6) collaboration and connection, 7) creating a positive energy, 8) confidence, 9) commitment and persistence, 10) willingness to learn, 11) being an entrepreneur with creative thinking and innovation and 12) being the intuitive, 13) having ability to inspire the others, 14) being humble and 15) a good model so that education can be arranged to yield the excellent outputs and outcomes.

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How to Cite
Techanok, A., Jaronggsirawat, R., & Vatasatto, P. H. (2020). EDCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(9), 1–15. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/246719
Academic Article


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