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Phrakhru Chotipunyasopon .
Phrakhrukosolatthakit .
Phrakhrukositwattananukul .


This research aimed to: 1) To study the funeral ceremonies which was in the Tripitaka, which was the Buddhist scripture of Theravada. 2) To study           the Ceremonies and the moral precepts in the funerals of the Buddhists who were in Nathawee district, Sonkhla. 3)To study the philosophies of the life and the moral precepts the funerals of the Buddhists in Nathawee district, Sonkhla.This is qualitative research focusing on document studies, observation and in – depth interviews presenting by a descriptive method. The results of the research revealed that : 1) The funeral ceremonies in Tripikata were divided into 4 ways: leave the deaths in the forests, bury the deaths, burn the deaths, and keep the bones of the deaths who were the very important people in                  the pagodas to honor and worship them. The ceremonies were only for the Buddha, King Suddhodana, and some of the disciples. For the ordinary people, however, the relatives brought the deaths to leave in the forests, buried them, or hired the morticians to burm them. 2) The funeral ceremonies of the Buddhists who were in Nathawee district, Songkhla had taken place towards the domestic beliefs, social statuses, and the Buddhism. The ceremony was divided into 4 processes which were: before the funeral ceremony, the funeral ceremony, the cremation, and after the cremation. The people used the ceremony as the medium between the hosts and the visitors. This was the way to hearten the hosts, honor the deaths, and learn about the morals and the truth of people in the societies. 3) There were philosophies of the life which were embedded in the morals precepts of the funeral ceremonies, People used knowledge to manage the deaths and ceremonies. Therefore, the ceremonies were such a piece if cloths which covered the truth as same as the bark that covered wood and its axis.These because the remarks and the morals were intervened in the ceremonies. The participants were the links between the morals and the truth which reflected the truth of life from the birth to the death. Thus, these made the ceremonies and the moral precepts were valuable to the lives which would be leaded to doing good for the people themselves and to the societies.

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How to Cite
., P. C. ., ., P., & ., P. (2020). A STUDY OF CONCEPT THE DHAMMA RIDDLE ON CREMATION OF CEREMONIES THE BUDDHISTS NATHAWEE DISTRICT IN SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(8), 134–145. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/246270
Research Articles


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