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Sakkayot Sungkapan


          This academic article was to aims to propose a model for sport diving based on the concept of sustainable tourism of local communities. The model includes sport diving following the principles of management (POLC), using the Modify Delphi technique which studying the documents, interviewing, simulating the model and confirming the model by group discussion from experts. As for planning, natural resources and environmental management, human resource management, service development and marketing, participatory community – based tourism development, and activities to promote tourism are five elements. As for organizing, 10 offices and individuals should be involved. The Department of Tourism is responsible for designing campaigns. The Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation supervises tourism activities. The Office of Tourism develops people’s skills. The Rescure Unit, marine police, provincial police and the Subdistrict Administration Organization (SAO) ensure safety. The Marine Department check boats. Tourist police check tourist guides. The Provincial Administration Organization (PAO) and tourism businesses provide facilities. The SAO collaborates with hospitals to provide health services to tourists. The tourism networks in communities establish a service standard. Tour guides and dive instructors design activities and ensure their customers obey rules about natural resource. As for leading, 13 elements are vital. Budgets, staffs and equipment should be provided. Suitable entrance fees should be set for conservation. Lawmaking and enforcement should be imposed. New curricula should be provided for locals. Urban planning should be devised. Transport to communities should be provided for tourists. Tourism mechanism should be established for communities’ access. An agreement on resource use and conservation should be reached. Related laws, standards and practices should be introduced to involved sectors to ensure their understanding. Public hearing on resource use should be conducted. Assembling of tourism groups should be promoted. Standard services and equipment should be provided. Tour guides should be present in diving activities. As for controlling, seven elements are required: opening and closing the tourist season; setting dive sites; limiting the number of tourists; setting up buoys; enforcing laws; maintaining standard services; managing community enterprise.

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How to Cite
Sungkapan, S. (2020). A MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR DIVING SPORT TOURISM CORESPONDS TO LOCAL COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(8), 324–334. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/246262
Research Articles


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