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Ekachai Chamnina


        The objective of this research is 1) to study the problems of tourism safety management in Phuket, 2) to study the components of tourism safety management in Phuket, And 3) to study guidelines and recommendations for tourism safety management in Phuket, as a qualitative research by using the document research methodology to analysis the data. The result of the research shows that, Phuket has a problem that puts tourists at risk from the dangers that may arise from various activities on the coast. Danger from drowning and death Rip currents flowing off the coast (Rip Current), caused by the problem of ignoring and violating the symbols used by staff in providing information or warning. Tourist tour operators pretend to use the logo or initials of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to deceive tourists. The state of safety problems from being exploited Encountering fraud and exploitation of tourists Conditions for safety in life and property and the condition for helping tourists due to lack of information to help another Phuket province. In the study of safety management components, safety management policies must be formulated in the same direction and action plans for all levels of management. As for the guidelines for safety management, consisting of 1) Measures relating to water safety 2) Measures relating to road safety 3) Measures relating to safety from being exploited             4) Measures relating to safety in life and property 5) Measures regarding tourism assistance.

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How to Cite
Chamnina, E. . (2020). TOURISM SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN PHUKET. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(8), 174–189. retrieved from
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