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This study aims to 1) Study current conditions Desirable Conditions for Promoting Creative Leadership of School Administrators Under the Office 2) Developing programs to enhance creative leadership of school administrators Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Areas, Area 25, by conducting research, divided into 2 phases as follows: Phase 1 studies current conditions Desirable and necessary conditions To enhance the creative leadership of school administrators Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 25, The sample group used in this research was 354 school administrators and teachers under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Areas 25 in the academic year 2562. The tools used for data collection were Questionnaire The statistics used in data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, phase 2 and developed the program to enhance the creative leadership of school administrators. Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 25, the data contributors were The instruments used in data collection were the statistical evaluation form for data analysis, which was the mean, standard deviation.
The research results are as follows: 1) The current state of creative leadership of school administrators in overall 5 The aspect was at a low level ( = 2.48, S.D. = 0.93). The aspect with the highest mean was Visionary as for the desirable conditions of creative leadership of school administrators. Overall is at a high level (
= 4.26, S.D. = 0.78). The aspect with the highest mean is Regarding the consideration of individuality. 2) A program for creating creative leadership of school administrators under The Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 25 There are program components consisting of 2.1) Principle and reason 2.2) Objectives 2.3) Goals 2.4) Development methods 2.5) Program structure 2.6) Content 2.7) Event management 8) Media / Tools 9) Measurement and evaluation is suitable and feasible to use to develop creative leadership of school administrators. Under the area office Secondary education in Region 25 had an average of 4.01 and 4.17 respectively.
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