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Namfon Pannao
Urit Charoen-In


          The action research aim to develop problem – solving ability using the Metacognition method in order to pass the criteria of 70% of full score. The target group of this study contained of 11 Mathayomsuksa 5 students. The targets are 11 students from a Mathayom Suksa 5, which were purposive sampling from 29 students in the same classroom, after problem – solving ability test.  The instruments used in the research were 1) 3 sets of the problem – solving ability test, 2) observation form in students problem solving, 3) the semi – structure interview and 4) 10 plans for integrated with the Metacognition method in Physics take time with 15 hours. The classroom action research consisted of 3 cycles each one; planning, action observing and reflection. Whereas action research approach used in this study composed of 3 spiral, which the first spiral used for the first to the third plan, the second spiral used for the fourth to the seventh plan, and the third spiral used for the eighth to the tenth plan. The ability test is used after each cycle. The statistics using for data analysis is mean and percentage.

          The result from classroom action research revealed that: The target students who learning using Metacognition method were obviously higher in the problem – solving ability of 11 students raised from 65.57 in the first loop to 68.43 in the second loop and up to 79.85 in cycle 3 in the percentage. It showed that the using Metacognition Method can develop the ability of students.

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How to Cite
Pannao, N., & Charoen-In, U. (2020). THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY OF MATHAYOMSUKSA 5 STUDENTS BY USING METACOGNITION METHOD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(6), 77–91. retrieved from
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