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Kriengsak Fongkam


          This study had 3 main purposes; 1) To study the reincarnation processes in Theravada Buddhism. 2) To study the reincarnation processes in Vajrayana Buddhism, and 3) To make the comparison between Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism in terms of reincarnation processes. The documentary research methodology was applied both studying primary and secondary documents. The paired comparison was used and its results were presented according to the research objectives.

          The findings revealed as follows; There were 2 groups of reincarnation processes; the first group was the spirits with desires such as Never – Returner, Once-Returner, Stream-Enterer, human-being, animal, departed being, and Asura demons. The second group was the Buddhist saints who never reborn. Theravada Buddhism focused on spirit. There were 31 states of reincarnation places that divided into 2 groups. The first group was woeful state, animal kingdoms, and ghost-sphere. The second group was Human Realm, Realm of the Four Great Kings – Realm of the Thirty-three Gods as well as Form Planes according to the 3 rebirth cycle principles.

          In Vajrayana Buddhism, the reincarnation could be referred to changing the state of existence by Karma (or actions). After the death, it took 7 days to become Sambhavesi (or a spirit seeking) waiting for the rebirth. It depended on the signs that determined where the spirit would go (Sugatibhumi or Duggatibhumi). In addition, the Vajrayana had the ritual ceremony in order to determinate the Bhumi after death by leaning on Bodhisattva power.

          There were 3 important considering issues of reincarnation; 1) Theravada Buddhism believed that humans could not select their death time, place,and even who they would be. According to Vajrayana Buddhism, humans could live longer if the life prolonging ceremony was done. 2) The space between death and rebirth,in Vajrayana Buddhism, it took 7 days to rebirth. 3) The likeliness between Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism was the rebirth processes depending on humans’ Karma. However, there had some differences between Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism. According to Theravada Buddhism, the action or Karma could not be changed. In Vajrayana Buddhism, on the contrary, there was the ritual ceremony to help the spirit go to Sugatibhumi.

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How to Cite
Fongkam, K. (2020). A STUDY OF REINCARNATION PROCESS IN THERAVADA AND VAJRAYANA BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(4), 227–239. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/242477
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