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Phramaha Songsak Jayavaḍḍhano (Hongwilai)


          Objectives of this research were: To study general conditions of administrative monks in the Sangha Administration, To study factors that affected the potentials development of administrative monks and 3 To propose the approaches to the potentials development of administrative monks at Sangha Administration, Region 15 Using Mixed Methods. Findings were 1)  General conditions of administrative monks, there were continuous supporting the potentials development in both Dhamma and sectarian knowledge, supporting scholarship for administrative monks to continue their education at Pali studies, training in meditation practice. 2) Factors affecting the potentials development of administrative monks at Sangha Administration, Region 15 consisted of knowledge and skill according to POSDC process that were found that by overall the development was at high level 3) Approach of Development for administrative monks’ consisted of 3 aspects: 3.1) Knowledge development; there should be planning, organizing, personnel management, directing and controlling, 3.2) Skill development; administrative monks must be trained to have skill in 6 tasks according to POSDC. They are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, and Controlling and these components. 3.3) Potentials development; training administrative monks to be able to perform religious functions in 6 areas: 1) administration, 2) education, 3) dissemination, 4) construction and repairing, 5) education support and 6) public welfares. and performed duties effectively and always developed one – selves.

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Jayavaḍḍhano (Hongwilai), P. S. . (2020). THE POTENTIALITY DEVELOPMENT OF SANGHA IN SANGHA ADMINISTRATION REGION 15. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(4), 219–226. retrieved from
Research Articles


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