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Nawinda Ninlawan
Sitthitchok Panasree
Phrakru Kosalattakit .


This thesis entitled ‘An application of four Bhãvanãs in Theravada Buddhism into the society of elderly’ has three objectives: 1) to study the states of problem of the society of elderly, 2) to study the principle of four Bhãvanãs in Theravada Buddhism, and 3) to apply the principle of four Bhãvanãs in Theravada Buddhism into the society of elderly.

          In the research, it was found that: 1) In the present time, when it comes to the states of problem of the society of elderly, Thailand and other international countries have been stepping into the ageing society by the help of scientific and medical technological advancement where most of elderly live longer than the previous period. Therefore, taking more care of the elderly in the present society becomes essential so that they would be able to cope with various changes in terms of their body, behaviour, mind and wisdom. It is necessary for them to live a happy life in the society. Under this situation, the forthcoming problems would be prevented. 2) According to Buddhism, the principle of four Bhãvanãs basically refers to the development in the following four dimensions: 1) the physical development 2) moral development 3) cultivation of the heart; 4) intellectual development; 3) As far as the application of the principle of four Bhãvanãs into the society of elderly is concerned, its guideline for getting it done according to Buddhism is shown that the mentioned principle could be utilized by the society of elderly in all dimensions; the physical need could be applied by the physical development, the behaviour for living together in a society could be applied by the moral development, the mind could be applied by the emotional development, and the intellectual need could be applied by the development of wisdom

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How to Cite
Ninlawan, N. ., Panasree, S. ., & ., P. K. (2020). AN APPLICATION OF FOUR BHÃVANÃS IN THERAVADA BUDDHISM INTO THE SOCIETY OF ELDERLY . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 7(3), 38–49. retrieved from
Research Articles


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