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สดใส ดุลยา
ปริญญา เรืองทิพย์
ปิยะทิพย์ ประดุจพรม


The purpose of this research was to study the differences between gender with enhancing spatial Intelligence of primary school students after training with a virtual reality cognitive training program (VR-CTP). The participants were 68 Grade 5 students (male 34, female 34) in the academic year 2018 study at Anuban Chanthaburi school. The participants were trained with VR-CTP consists of 2 activities (Maze Walker, Construction Worker), 6 training levels in 10 minutes each 12 times and collecting data while conducting spatial intelligence task on a computer screen in 3 components, including spatial visualization, spatial orientation and spatial relation. The data were analyzed by using MANOVA.

          The result of the implementation of the Virtual Reality Cognitive Training Program (VR-CTP). The results demonstrated that the response accuracy scores on spatial ability test of the experimental group were significantly (p<.05) increased after training. The response time on spatial ability test of the experimental group were significantly decreased after training. Male students had the response accuracy scores of being correct while doing the MRT test higher than females and there are no different in response time all paper test.

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How to Cite
ดุลยา ส., เรืองทิพย์ ป., & ประดุจพรม ป. (2019). THE EFFECT OF GENDER AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ENHANCING SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE USING VIRTUAL REALITY COGNITIVE TRAINING PROGRAM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3354–3367. retrieved from
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