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พระไพยนต์ รกฺขิตธมฺโม (ชะเอ)


The objectives of this research were to study the architecture of temples from 9 Lanna temples and to analyze Buddhist ethics were kept hidden in the architecture of Lanna Temples. This is Qualitative research was collected data from the related researches, and in-depth interview to the relevant person to get more information; after that data analysis would be descriptive text.

          The results indicated that

          The architecture is the art of designing buildings in general. Buddhist architecture is the religious architecture which is called temples, especially Buddhist architecture that has Buddhist ethics; it is Words of the Buddha was kept hidden on it. Lanna architecture is Lanna’s art-works of building construction in dark ages 200 years ago during under political power of Myanmar. Lanna had tried to a reconstruction of cities until in the period time of Lord Kawila was the renaissance of art and culture, luckily there was some of the archaeological evidence in the ages. In early ages, the evidence was lost, and later time, the Lanna kingdom was unified to Siam. Consequently, the architecture history in each age has a different story, and also Buddhist ethics was hide in the pagoda, and the sanctuary; there were 2 types of worship, the first one ār-mis̄ būchā, and the bpà-dtì-bàt būchā of 31 poom or dtrai poom. It is Buddhist literature that mentioned to 3 planes were Sensuous Planes 11, Form Planes 16, and Formless Planes 4. Next one was Buddhist ethics was hide in sanctuary of Lanna temples were Ariyasacca the Noble Truth; (Cattàri Ariyasaccàni) the Four Noble Truths. it is human nature in during lifetime have to endure physical suffering such as pain, sickness, injury, tiredness, old age, and eventually death, and (Dasapàramã) the ten perfections; the ten principal virtues practised by a Bodhisatta.      

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How to Cite
รกฺขิตธมฺโม (ชะเอ) พ. (2019). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY ON THE BUDDHIST DOCTRINE EMBEDED IN ARCHITECTURES OF LANNA TEMPLES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3247–3262. retrieved from
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