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ประนอม กรีอารีย์
สุทธิพงศ์ ศรีวิชัย
ระวิง เรืองสังข์
พงศธร มหาวิจิตร


This research. 1) to study the problems of teaching and learning management of master teachers According to the threefold training main principle Educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Area  2 ) Develop the model of teaching and learning development of the master teacher According to the threefold training  main principle Educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Area and 3) Present the model of teaching and learning development of the master teacher According to the threefold training main principle Educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area  This research is a Mixed Methodology Research. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Analyze data with content analysis papers. And the statistical analysis is percentage frequency distribution mean standard deviation.

          The research found that:

  1. The problem of teaching and learning of the master teacher is 1) As for teachers, teachers do not see the importance. Lack of experience or expertise and refuse to use innovative media and information technology Teachers lack the creation of various elements to manage teaching and learning 2) In terms of content, content, learning difficulties are difficult to keep up with events. And the amount of content is not suitable for the basic level of students in the class and time 3) Teaching and learning activities Teaching activities do not stimulate interest and not variety  4) Media and support for teaching and learning Media used in teaching and learning management is not enough. And in an unattractive condition  5) Evaluation of academic performance Caused by 2 reasons: problems in measuring and evaluating teachers And problems in measurement and evaluation of measurement instruments And 7) the learners focus on approaching entertainment, games or socializing, talking, rather than entering the learning field Students lack the intention to learn. Students use the tools to search for information that is incorrect and inappropriate. Students focus on fun, lack of knowledge and lack of cultivating a society of readers.

  2. The development of the model of teaching and learning management of master teachers According to the threefold training main principle Educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Area . There are 3 steps in the Office of the Secondary Education Office. 1) study the theory, then analyze the data, 2) develop the model, and 3) Pattern validation The four aspects of the study were examined at a high level. When considering each side with the highest average. At most levels The benefits. Accuracy And at the high level, the appropriate. And the feasibility of the order.

          3. The development of the problems of teaching and learning management of master teachers According to the threefold training main principle Educational institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Area  consists of 5 sections. 1) the principles 2) the objectives 3) Learning and Teaching development, 4) application of the model, and 5) conditions of success.

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How to Cite
กรีอารีย์ ป., ศรีวิชัย ส., เรืองสังข์ ร., & มหาวิจิตร พ. (2019). A MODEL OF TEACHING AND LEARNING DEVELOPMENT FOR MODEL TEACHER ACCORDING TO THREEFOLD TRAINING MAIN FOR SCHOOLS UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3508–3527. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/206151
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