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พระวิษณุรัตน์ ชยสุโข (ไชยศิลา)


The purpose of study 1) to study forms, and types of tourism 2) to study the Buddhist tourism of religious place Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan 3) to study benefits of Buddhist tourism of religious place Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This is Qualitative research was collected data from documents of Buddhist scriptures, books, magazine, and the related researches.

          The results indicated that:

  1. The forms and types of travel were a person who travels from one place to another or travelling from residence to another by willing to visit, but not travelling for work or gets income, there were 12 types.

  2. The Buddhist tourism of religious place Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan is an important religious site, and not only for its historical and religious importance but also for its archaeological importance. The significant art and iconographical evidence such as archaeological site, historical park, ancient community, city walls, moat, museum, temple, religious place, and structure that important in art and architecture. The Buddhist tourism of religious place Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province is the most famous such as temple and communities that case to develop the economy and hence income of communities until became to sustainable development.

          3. the benefits of Buddhist tourism of religious place Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province presented the value in art and tradition that passing from generation to generation as people should realize the benefits and keep passing it to next generation. Secondly, the social of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan to people was belief. Next one is the changing needs of society, and the environment in the present time and the last was the preservation of historic religious properties of Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan

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How to Cite
ชยสุโข (ไชยศิลา) พ. (2019). A BUDDHIST TOURISM OF RELIGIOUS PLACE WAT PHRA MAHATHAT WORAMAHAWIHAN IN NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3644–3655. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/192260
Research Articles


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