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อนุสิน พลเสนา
ประจญ กิ่งมิ่งแฮ
ธนกฤต ทุริสุทธิ์


The objectives of this Research were; 1) to study the key factors affecting risk management of Laos state fuel enterprises 2) to create an integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises 3) to test the risk management model of fuel enterprises Integrated Laos and 4) To evaluate the results of the experimental using the risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises. This is a mixed method research consisting of 4 phases: Phase 1: sample group of 394 people. Research tools include questionnaires and structured interview forms. Analyze data by synthesizing content and using descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation, phase 2: target groups of 10 people. Research tools are organizing workshops. Meeting issues is analyzing content data. Phase 3: target groups of 15 people. The research instruments were the integrated risk management model manual of Laos’s state fuel enterprises. Phase 4: target groups of 20 people. The tools used in the research were the evaluation form, data analysis model using descriptive statistics including percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation.


          The results of research were found as follows:

  1. Risk factors affecting risk management of Laos’s state fuel enterprises. The integrated risk management process of Laos state fuel enterprises The results of the risk management study of Laos state fuel enterprises in risk management by interviewing executives revealed that 1) the objectives of risk management, The executives of Laos state fuel enterprises has a consistent opinion that it should be taken to focus on analyzing results in administrative decisions and development. 2) Things that focus on risk management, risk indicator or also known as integrated risk causes. 3) Between risk and risk indicator, the risk management model consists of 1) risk management criteria 2) factors affecting risk management.

  2. The results of the creation of an integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises found that the integrated risk management model of the Laos state fuel enterprises is consistent with the body of factors, integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises, the results of the content validity of the integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises.

  3. The results of the experiment using the integrated risk management model of the Laos state fuel enterprises, the results of the evaluation of the experimental level before the experiment by the overall picture were at a high level in all forms, therefore considered the integrated risk management model of the Laos state fuel enterprises through experimentation can actually be practiced.

          4. The evaluation of the results of the experiment using the integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises, it was found that the overall evaluation of the experimental level before the experiment was at a low level. While the overall post-experimental level was at a high level, In conclusion, the experiment has changed, therefore, considered the integrated risk management model of Laos state fuel enterprises. In bringing the organization to prepare through experimentation can actually be practiced.

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How to Cite
พลเสนา อ., กิ่งมิ่งแฮ ป., & ทุริสุทธิ์ ธ. (2019). INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT MODEL OF LAOS STATE FUEL COMPANY IN LAO. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 197–209. retrieved from
Research Articles


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