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พระมหาวิชาญ กนฺตสีโล
สมพงค์ บุญมาก
กานต์ ตันตระกูล


This research study is about the way of improving the quality of life of the elderly by using “The Noble Eightfold Path” and the objective of this research is 1) to study about the quality of life of the elderly. 2) To study the affecting factors of quality of life of the elderly. 3) To study about the way of improving the quality of life of the elderly. The population used in the research was the elderly aged 60 years and over in the area of Muang Songkhla District, Songkhla Province, totally 22,747 people. From opening Taro Yamane’s Table and the research team selected a sample group by using random sample methods with 400 samples, the method that use in this research is Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and using Statistics to test hypotheses by using T-test and F-test to test the difference and the double average with the Scheffe’s Method


          The research found that;

  1. Results of the study of the quality of life of the elderly in the area of Mueang District, Songkhla Province, overall, Right Action at a high level with the highest mean value, followed by Right livelihood and Right speech with the lowest mean.

  2. The results study of affecting factors the quality of life of the elderly had classify by gender, age, status, educational level, occupation, source of income And family living characteristics found that the elderly had Commenting on the quality of life with The Noble Eightfold Path in total at a high level.

          3. The study results about the way of improving the quality of life of the elderly by using “The Noble Eightfold Path” had classify by gender, age, status, educational level, occupation, source of income And family living characteristics, found that the elderly people of different ages Overall, there was a significant difference at the level of .01, which was based on the hypothesis set, gender, status, education level, occupation, source of income, and family living habitat. Overall, there was no significant difference at the level of .05. For the Right View. Differences in statistical significance at the level of .05, and the elderly with different ages for the Right View Differing significantly at the level of .01 and the elderly with sources of Different income Right speech, which is significantly different at the level of .01 which is in accordance with Assumptions.

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How to Cite
กนฺตสีโล พ., บุญมาก ส., & ตันตระกูล ก. (2019). GUILDLINE FOR DEVELOPING QUALITY LIFE OF THE ELDERLY WITH NOBLE EIGHTFOLD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 244–267. retrieved from
Research Articles


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