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พระครูเขมาภิวุฒิ อภิชาโต (อันชูฤทธิ์)
สิน งามประโคน
อินถา ศิริวรรณ


The objectives of This research were: To study the studies of Participatory administration, to develop the participatory administration of the way of developmental participatory administration for Prapariyattidhamma school Dhamma Division in the management at Sangha in section one using the mixed Methodology research as qualitative research in the out of 205 samples and qualitative research by interview of 10 persons and Focus Group Discussion of 10 Persons.


          The research of the study found that:

  1. The studies of Participatory administration at Prapariyattidhamma school Division in the management Sangha in section 1 found that co-thinking and analyzing problems together giving the opportunity the teachers and students join the thirty and show the potential co-thinking apply to join the action plan by the brainstorm for the resources from all parties.

  2. The development of Participatory administration of administrators the mean score of the right onuses was the highest. The usefulness, appropriateness and fertility were the high level respectively.

  3. The way of Development of the parties Participatory administration of administrators found that 1) the principle of participation in the 26 aspects 2) The type of participation in the 6 aspects The step or model of participation in 26 aspects 4) styles of participation in 10 aspects 5) Processes of participation in 5 aspects and 6) participatory management of development activities out of 5 activities including the 4 principles of empowerment the 4 principles of empowerment : the principles of performance and the using of success at all.

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How to Cite
อภิชาโต (อันชูฤทธิ์) พ., งามประโคน ส., & ศิริวรรณ อ. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF BUDDHIST PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATORS ON PRAPARIYATTIDHAMMA DIVISION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 499–515. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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