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The purposes of this research were: 1) to study and identify probable problems in promoting youth sport program of sport clubs supported by Udonthani Sport Federation 2) to develop the youth sport promotion to be used by those clubs and 3) to test and evaluate the developed youth sport promotion. This study is based on the mixed method research.
The results showed:
- The severity of problems in promoting youth sport program of sport clubs supported by Udonthani Sport Federation is in the moderate level in all aspects. The first 3 significant problems that were arranged according to their average are (1) the difficulty in developing youth sport environment to be suitable to social and economic standard (2) the problem in drawing attention and fostering passion for sport in youths (3) the lack of open opportunity for youths in playing sports and recreations. 2) The developed youth sport promotion used by sport clubs affiliated by Udonthani Sport Federation is in semantic model. This model includes 7 aspects i.e. 1) constructing youth sport environment to be suitable to social and economic standard.
- fostering attention and passion for sports in youths 3) offering opportunities to youths in reaching out for sports and exercise 4) Integrative management in youth sports 5) obtaining supports in youth sports from all sectors 6) supporting good technical knowledge and skills in playing and watching sports 7) supporting the sport management for the fairness in games that includes 1) rationale 2) objectives 3) scope of activity 4) promoting strategy and 5) indicator and evaluation. The feasibility and suitability study were carried out; the feasibility was in the most probable level in all aspects while the suitability was high in all aspects.
- The result from testing and evaluating the developed youth sport promotion in youth futsal players, which are our samples in the experiment, suggests that there is the increase in knowledge and skills more than 60%. This was captured and compared before and after applying the experiment. Therefore, the test and evaluation in promoting youth sport is practical for real applications.
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ศิริรัตน์ไพบูลย์ ป., ทุริสุทธิ์ ธ., & กิ่งมิ่งแฮ ป. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT TO PROMOTE THE SPORT FOR YOUTHS MODEL OF SPORT CLUB IN SPORTS ASSOCIATION UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 326–338. retrieved from
Research Articles
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