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อัญญา ปลดเปลื้อง
อัจฉรา มีนาสันติรักษ์
ดวงใจ เปลี่ยนบำรุง
ชุติมา รักษ์บางแหลม
ศรีเสาวลักษณ์ อุ่นพรมมี


The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of learning experience of humanistic care. Qualitative approach with hermeneutic phenomenology technique was used in the study. The purposive sampling was used for this study consisted of 15 instructors that participant in Humanistic Nursing Care Program at College of Mount of Saint Vincent, New York, USA. The data collections used were in-depth interview, a tape recorder, and personal documents. The method described by Hermeneutic phenomenology under Benner concept was employed to analyze the data. The results of this study showed that:

          Humanistic cares were the interaction of individuals on the basis of understanding, empathy, and attention or help to treat other people, accept a person, and understanding of the similarities and differences of each individual. Learning approach to humanistic cares consists of four aspects. 1) The recognition of human values, learners start by learning to understand them before using meditation and then began to learn other people by using the senses by listening attentively. 2) Understanding humanity, learners understand of the valuable experience of the individual. 3) Learning through real conditions, a learning experience for the students to relate to others and the environment in a real context, and 4) Reflective thinking, the instructor thought-provoking perspectives that make the students understands them and understands the reasons for each one. The results of this study the teachers can use applications in the areas of education and health, Providers of health care services can be guided to learn to care for human values to perform the services to the patients. Anyone can take care that human values ​​are applied in everyday life as well.

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How to Cite
ปลดเปลื้อง อ., มีนาสันติรักษ์ อ., เปลี่ยนบำรุง ด., รักษ์บางแหลม ช., & อุ่นพรมมี ศ. (2018). LEARNING EXPERIENCE OF HUMANISTIC CARE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 745–770. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/154211
Research Articles


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