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สถาพัฒน์ สุทธิศักดิ์


The objectives of this dissertation are to study the influence of road management affecting the development of three southern border provinces by a mixed methodology of both quantitative and quality analyses. The quantitative method is the multivariate statistics by structure equation modeling (SEM) and a stratified random sampling, enhanced with the qualitative method resulted from 10 in-depth interviews of the directors of development organizations and road organizations in the areas.



          The integrated plans of road development budget and the reduction of travel expenditure on road networks are 2 main factors affecting the development of three southern provinces. When the integrated plans of road development budget increase, and the reduction of travel expenditure on road networks increases, the development of three southern provinces will also increase. However, the structure of road organization, the road project preparation and the road project management are factors of road management that do not directly affect the development of three southern provinces. Nevertheless, they do affect the reduction of travel expenditure on road networks in accordance with the in-depth interviews of 10 directors of development organizations and road organizations in the areas, verifying the results of the analyses as follows:

  1. Integration of road development budget begins with public participation and related organizations to reduce duplication, and the linkage of other development plans affect sustainable development of the areas.

  2. The structure of road organization, road project preparation, and road project management affect the costs of traveling on the road networks, but do not directly affect the development of the three southern provinces. It can be interpreted that these three latent variables are the factors affecting road management. If all 3 factors are improved, the efficiency of the travel expenditure on road networks will be also reduced. The reduction in travel expenditure will definitely have an impact on the development of the three southern border provinces.

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How to Cite
สุทธิศักดิ์ ส. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF ROADS MANAGEMENT AFFECTING THREE SOUTHERN PROVINCES DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 991–1010. retrieved from
Research Articles


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