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ปริญญา เรืองทิพย์
ภัทราวดี มากมี
กนก พานทอง
ปิยะทิพย์ ประดุจพรม
ประวิทย์ ทองไชย


This research is a study of life skills development in social and emotional skills of vocational students. The objectives of this research were to study the ways of participation in the development of life skills in social and emotional skills of vocational students to develop criteria for assessing skills of social and emotional skills of vocational students, and for the development of life skills training programs on social and emotional skills of vocational students. The study is divided into 3 phases which are;

          Phase 1: Data collection was conducted by the principal informant groups which are administrators, teachers, parents and students. Content Analysis, the questionnaires were used to study the needs and the ways of participation in the development of life skills in social and emotional skills of vocational students, gather data for 900 students. The results of this study can be used as a guideline for participation in the development of life skills in social and emotional skills of vocational school students.

Phase 2: was the development of the criteria for assessing the social skills and emotional skills of vocational students. The results show that life skills in social and emotional skills are divided into 5 elements: interpersonal relationship, self-awareness, Empathy, Coping with emotion and Coping with stress. The quality of life skills developed in social and emotional skills can be used to assess the social skills and emotional skills of vocational students.

Phase 3: Development of life skills training program on social and emotional skills of vocational students. The results of the expert evaluation are good. When applied to 18 vocational students in the country. As a result, the vocational and life skills in social and emotional skills were significantly increased. It shows that the social and emotional skills training program can be used to improve the social skills and emotional skills of vocational students.

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เรืองทิพย์ ป., มากมี ภ., พานทอง ก., ประดุจพรม ป., & ทองไชย ป. (2018). THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SKILLS IN SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL SKILLS OF STUDENT IN THE VOCATIONAL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 706–729. retrieved from
Research Articles


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