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สมาพร เรืองสังข์
ตรีสุคนธ์ เจริญชัยชาญกิจ


The qualitative and quantitative research aimed to study the agricultural system and area status of Ban Pu Num Ron and Ban Thi-Tha communities and analyze the guideline of development of agriculture for the communities


          The result showed that;

          Agricultural system of Ban Pu Num Ron community is monoculture system growing economic crops for trade. The system relies on capital, workers and inputs. The produces are transported to factories in Kanchanaburi and other provinces. For Ban Thi-Tha community, there are integrated agricultural system. Crops were produced for household consumption or shipped to Thailand and India.

          Ban Pu Num Ron community is surrounded by mountains. Soil characteristics are sandy-clay with neutral to alkaline pH. It composes of organic matter in medium level and potassium is very high but the nitrogen is relatively low. The phosphorus is low to moderate level and low plant diversity. Sources of agricultural water are large ponds. Growing system is managed for plant growth promotion. Respecting Ban Thi-Tha area, it is surrounded by mountains. The soil are sandy-loam, clay-loam with neutral pH. It has high organic matter and potassium. Calcium and magnesium are very high. Phosphorus levels range from low to very high. Nitrogen content is relatively low. Plant diversity is very high. The Tanaosri River is the source of water for using in household and agriculture. There were not any cultivation.

          Guideline for agricultural development of Ban Phu Nam Ron and Ban Thi-tha is that both communities should increase soil nitrogen and provide the knowledge about sustainable agriculture to famers and youths.Ban Pu Num Ron community should change agricultural system to GAP or integrated farming and have water management for meeting the needs.

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How to Cite
เรืองสังข์ ส., & เจริญชัยชาญกิจ ต. (2018). AGROECOLOGY AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITIES LINKING IN BORDERING AREA OF KANCHANABURI – DAWEI. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 689–705. retrieved from
Research Articles


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